October 1, 2023
Hokuriku Electric Power Company
The Hokuriku Electric Power Company (hereafter “the Company”) strives to appropriately handle and protect any personal information in our possession, in the manner set forth below. We appreciate your understanding.
The Company collects and uses personal information as appropriate, to the extent necessary for proper electricity business operation. The purposes of use of the personal information collected by the Company are as follows.
1. Establishment and execution of contracts related to electricity
2. Determination of electricity charges and securing of credit
3. Stable long-term electricity supply
4. Service activities related to electricity usage
5. Safety maintenance of electrical equipment and facilities owned by the Company and/or customers
6. Building and maintaining electric power equipment
7. Acquisition and maintenance management of land rights for electric power equipment
8. Electricity demand development (sales promotion) activities
9. Load leveling of electricity
10. Ensuring safety in engineering work
11. Other related activities conducive to the Company’s operations
In addition, the Company may outsource operations involving handling of personal information, in part or in whole, to financial institutions, information processing companies, construction companies, affiliate companies, etc., to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of use listed above.
In handling personal information, the Company shall comply with laws and regulations regarding personal information, as well as the Company’s personal information protection rules, and shall handle personal information appropriately. In order to prevent risks associated with personal information, such as leakage, loss, or damage, the Company has taken the following appropriate safety management measures.
(1) To ensure proper handling of personal information, the Company has established basic policies regarding compliance with related laws, guidelines, and other rules, points of contact for questions or complaints, etc.
(2) The Company has established internal rules for proper handling of personal information, including handling methods, as well as managers and persons responsible and their respective duties, for each stage, including acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion, and disposal.
(3) In addition to establishing a manager for the handling of personal information, the Company has further clarified which employees are to handle personal information and the extent of personal information to be handled by said employees, and established a system for reporting to managers in the event that any violation of the Personal Information Protection Act or the Company’s internal rules is discovered or reasonably suspected.
(4) The Company provides regular employee training on points to consider when handling personal information.
(5) The Company manages non-employee access to areas where personal information is handled, limits items they are allowed to bring into said areas, and implements measures to prevent viewing of personal information by unauthorized individuals.
(6) The Company limits the individuals given access to personal information, as well as the scope of personal information databases, etc. that such individuals are permitted to handle.
The Company shall not provide or disclose personal information to third parties without first obtaining consent from the individual concerned, except as stipulated by law, such as when outsourcing work to a third party within the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of use.
In the event that personal information is provided to a subcontractor as a part of outsourcing work, the Company shall establish a contract regarding the protection of personal information, require appropriate handling and management of personal information on the part of the subcontractor, periodically check compliance status, and supervise the subcontractor as appropriate.
The Company may share customer personal information with the following:*¹
• Electricity retailers*²
• Transmission system operators (TSOs)*³
• Demand restraint contractors*⁴
• Power distribution companies
• Organization for Cross-regional Coordination of Transmission Operators, Japan*⁵
・To establish, modify, or terminate wheeling service contracts or electricity quantity adjustment service contracts (hereafter collectively referred to as “wheeling service, etc. contracts”)
・To provide intermediary service for the termination of retail supply contracts*⁶ (including contracts related to isolated island service and last resort service) or electricity supply contracts (hereafter collectively referred to as “retail supply, etc. contracts”)
・To confirm information regarding service (power receiving) points
・To perform electric power meter readings; maintenance,inspection, and replacement of equipment; investigation of equipment during power outages, disasters, etc.; and other duties of TSOs or power distribution companies based on wheeling service, etc. contracts
・To conduct tasks related to negawatt transactions*⁷
・For integrated business management and internal management of the Hokuriku Electric Power Group (hereafter “the Group”)
・Basic information: names, addresses, telephone numbers, and contract numbers of retail supply, etc. contracts
・Information related to service (power receiving) points: service areas of TSOs and power distribution companies with which wheeling service, etc. contracts have been established, targets covered by the general provisions for isolated island services, identification numbers of service (power receiving) points, wheeling contract amount information, upper limits for current, intra-area wheeling service menu items, power factors, supply methods, methods of wheeling contract determination, meter information, leading-in pole numbers, availability of grid-interconnection facilities, dates of changes to wheeling contracts, dates of meter readings, contract status, and discontinuation measures and methods
・Information related to negawatt transactions: generation sales volume, demand procurement volume, demand restraint amount, and baseline
・Basic information: electricity retailers with whom retail supply, etc. contracts have been established (or TSOs, for basic information related to consumers receiving isolated island service or last resort service)
・Basic information: electricity retailers with whom retail supply, etc. contracts have been established (or TSOs, for basic information related to consumers receiving isolated island service or last resort service)
・Information related to negawatt transactions: demand restraint contractors
*¹ The Company shares customer personal information only with a limited number of service providers as necessary for joint use, which means that customer personal information is not necessarily shared with all electricity retailers, TSOs, demand restraint contractors, or power distribution companies.
*² “Electricity retailers” refers to business operators who do not fall under the grounds for refusal to register set forth in Article 2-5, Paragraph 1 of the Electricity Business Act (Act No. 170 of July 11, 1964), and who are registered as electricity retailers with the Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry (including business operators deemed to be registered as electricity retailers in accordance with the supplementary provisions of the Act for Partial Revision of the Electricity Business Act (Act No. 72 of 2014)). (For businesses’ names, addresses, and representatives’ names, please refer to the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy website: https://www.enecho.meti.go.jp/category/electricity_and_gas/electric/summary/retailers_list/)
*³ “Transmission system operators (TSOs)” refers to the following:
Hokkaido Electric Power Network, Inc.
Tohoku Electric Power Network Co., Inc.
TEPCO Power Grid, Inc.
Chubu Electric Power Grid Co., Inc.
Hokuriku Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Company
Kansai Transmission and Distribution, Inc.
Chugoku Electric Power Transmission & Distribution Co., Inc.
Shikoku Electric Power Transmission & Distribution Co., Inc.
Kyushu Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Co., Inc.
Okinawa Electric Power Co., Inc.
(For businesses’ names, addresses, and representatives’ names, please refer to the website for each TSO.)
*⁵ For the name, address, and representative’s name of the Organization for Cross-regional Coordination of Transmission Operators, Japan, please refer to the Organization website:
*⁶ “Intermediary service for the termination of retail supply, etc. contracts” refers to when business operators who have received new applications for retail supply, etc. contracts from customers then apply for the termination of retail supply, etc. contracts with existing business operators, on behalf of the customers.
*⁷ “Negawatt transactions” refers to a system under which customers reduce their demand upon request from electricity retailers or other organizations, such as a business that bundles and supplies the electric power obtained through multiple customers’ reduced demand, in which case the customers are compensated for doing so.
The Company may share customer personal information with the following:*¹
• Transmission system operators (TSOs)*²
• Power distribution companies
• Power generation entities*³
For sending notifications and bills related to calculated information regarding grid-connected power-receiving service fees (power generation side billing)
・Basic information: names of power generation entities, postal codes, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, and beginning and ending dates of procurement and subsidy period(s) stipulated in the Renewable Energy Special Measures Act.
・Information related to power receiving points: identification numbers of power receiving points, wheeling contract amount information, billing amounts, discount categories, meter reading dates, whether there have been changes to contracts, meter information, and receiving voltage
・Information related to service points: identification numbers of service points, and wheeling contract amount information
・Parties Responsible for Management of Joint Use
・Information related to power receiving points: TSOs and power distribution companies whose service areas cover the power receiving points
・Information related to service points: TSOs and power distribution companies whose service areas cover the service points
*¹ The Company shares customer personal information only with a limited number of service providers as necessary for joint use, which means that customer personal information is not necessarily shared with all TSOs, power distribution companies, or power generation entities.
*² “Transmission system operators (TSOs)” refers to the following:
Hokkaido Electric Power Network, Inc.
Tohoku Electric Power Network Co., Inc.
TEPCO Power Grid, Inc.
Chubu Electric Power Grid Co., Inc.
Hokuriku Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Company
Kansai Transmission and Distribution, Inc.
Chugoku Electric Power Transmission & Distribution Co., Inc.
Shikoku Electric Power Transmission & Distribution Co., Inc.
Kyushu Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Co., Inc.
Okinawa Electric Power Co., Inc.
(For businesses’ names, addresses, and representatives’ names, please refer to the website for each TSO.)
*³ “Power generation entities” refers to entities who generate electricity under wheeling service, etc. contracts as stipulated by TSOs. The extent of joint use by power generation entities is limited to information on service points at the same site of demand as the site of generation.
Fill in the required items on the Personal Information Disclosure Request Form*¹ and send that along with a document confirming personal identity*² to the Customer Service Center.
Responses will be sent in writing, to the address provided on the Personal Information Disclosure Request Form.
Postal Code | Address | Name |
930-8686 | 15-1 Ushijima-cho, Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture | To: Hokuriku Electric Power Company Customer Service Center |
Please send the following documents in addition to the items listed in 5.(1) above.
・For legal representatives: a family register extract or other document that demonstrates the legal representative’s qualifications, as well as a document confirming the personal identity of the legal representative.*²
・For proxies: an official seal registration certificate for the individual being represented, and a letter of attorney with said individual’s seal affixed.
*¹ Download PDF file here: Personal Information Disclosure Request Form
*² A copy of a form of personal identification, such as a driver’s license, health insurance card, or passport.
Inquiries related to electricity rates, etc. are handled by telephone as usual. Confirm your customer number and other information, then call the Customer Service Center.
(0120) 776-453,
9:00 to 17:00 Mondays through Fridays
(closed for national holidays and new year holidays)
For any feedback or consultations on matters related to handling of personal information other than the above, please contact the Compliance Promotion Team, General Affairs & Legal Affairs Section, Regional Co-creation Department, at (076) 441-2511.